ClipDealer Social Media Licence

You can also use our media for social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MySpace etc. via our ClipDealer social media licence.
When purchasing a standard or merchandising licence, a social media licence can be acquired in addition to the media.

The price rate for the social media licence is additionally 1.50 euro for photos, sound, pieces of music and vector graphics.
For videos 3 euro are charged in addition.

All media that can be used for social media are marked with "SM" on the overview page, respectively following the caption of the image on the detailed page.
Alternatively a check mark on "social media licence" in the advanced search will show you exclusively media that has been approved for use on social networks.

When a purchase is effectuated, the social media licence is automatically activated. If you do not wish to purchase the social media licence, simply remove the "social media licence" check mark in the chart on the detailed page.

Media, for which the social media licence is not offered in addition, cannot be used for Facebook, since the right of use of the media is ceded upon publication on Facebook, which does not comply with our terms and conditions of use.

If the media are used in other social networks, the terms and conditions of use of the social networks concerned are to be observed.

To search for photos with social media licence click here
To search for videos with social media licence click here
To search for audio with social media licence click here
To search for vectors with social media licence click here

For further questions, please contact